MP Strahl Welcomes PEARL Life Renewal Society
OTTAWA – Mark Strahl, MP for Chilliwack Hope, stood in the House of Commons today to give special recognition to the launch of the PEARL Life Renewal Society.
“Mr. Speaker, on November 25th, I attended an inspiring event in Chilliwack dedicated to helping sexually exploited women in our community.”
“The PEARL Life Renewal Society was created by Joan Goosen and a group of dedicated volunteers committed to empowering girls and women who are sexually exploited, trafficked and in prostitution through support, education, and love to embrace hope and renewal.”
“We heard powerful presentations on how most girls trafficked in Canada are lured into the sex trade between the ages of 12 and 14. The most powerful story of the entire night came from Tamara, who shared her story of being sexually trafficked starting at the age of 13. After 15 years, through hard work, determination, and God’s grace, she finally broke free and is now helping others to do the same.”
“PEARL is working towards creating a safe space with wrap-around services in Chilliwack to care for those trapped in the sex trade.”
“Chilliwack is a compassionate, caring community and I know I speak for all my constituents in wishing PEARL every blessing as they start this important ministry.”