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MP Strahl Showcases Scroll Saw Art by Chilliwack Resident

CHILLIWACK – To promote artists in Chilliwack and Hope, Member of Parliament Mark Strahl is showcasing local art and photographs in his office.

MP Strahl is encouraging local artists from across the riding to submit their work, along with their bio and contact information. Artwork is also featured on Mark’s website:

This month’s featured artist is Gary S. Johnson from Chilliwack who creates beautiful wood scroll saw art.

The piece featured in MP Strahl’s Art Gallery was inspired by a photograph of a Bald Eagle feasting on a salmon, taken by the Chilliwack Progress’ Paul Henderson.

The artwork is scrolled from a hybrid cottonwood tree that was planted on the Bailey farm on Prest Road in 1905. This tree which housed an eagle’s nest for decades, was blown down by a storm in 2015.

“The reward of working with each piece comes when the finish is applied and the grains and colours of the wood come alive with amazing results of depth and beauty,” said Gary.

To view more of Gary’s work, visit his website:

“It is my distinct honour to showcase this fascinating woodwork in my Art Gallery,” said MP Strahl. “Gary Johnson impressively exhibits fine craftsmanship and attention to detail that this medium demands. I celebrate Gary’s accomplishments in capturing these realistic and fascinating wood carvings. I encourage other local artists to submit their artwork for future exhibits.”

Gary’s Bald Eagle will be on display at MP Strahl’s Constituency Office in Chilliwack for the next month. Constituents are encouraged to stop into the office to view this impressive work of art.

Those interested in submitting their artwork for MP Strahl’s Art Gallery are asked to contact his office for more information.
