MP Strahl Seeks Local Art For Ottawa Exhibit
To promote artists and photographers in Chilliwack and Hope, Member of Parliament Mark Strahl will be showcasing local art and photos in his Ottawa office in a new monthly exhibit and is encouraging local artists and photographers from across the riding to submit their work.
Work will also be featured on Mr. Strahl’s website:
In accordance with the artist’s wishes, works will be exhibited in the gallery for several weeks before being returned to the artist, donated to local charities, or presented as gifts to visiting delegations. A new artist will be featured every month.
Exhibits will include a write-up of the artist, including a biography and contact information, as well as the artist’s social media and website information.
Fellow Parliamentarians, as well as visitors from across Canada and around the world, will have an opportunity to take in the works of the many talented artists in Chilliwack-Hope.
“This new local art exhibit is an outstanding opportunity to not only promote the beautiful riding of Chilliwack-Hope in Ottawa, but also to showcase the incredibly talented artists we have here”, said MP Mark Strahl. “I am pleased to begin receiving submissions, and am particularly looking forward to submissions that highlight the natural beauty of our riding”.
Those interested in this opportunity are asked to contact Mr. Strahl’s office for more information.