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MP Strahl Demands Answers for Dairy Farmers

CHILLIWACK – Mark Strahl, Member of Parliament for Chilliwack—Hope, asked the Liberal government the following question for Dairy Farmers in the virtual House of Commons today:

“Our dairy farmers produce the highest quality milk in the world, but recent trade deals have given away more of Canada’s dairy market to foreign farmers.”

“The Liberals have promised a multi-year compensation package to our farmers for granting this access, but they refuse to provide details on the timelines of when this payment will be made for Year 2.”

“The farmers in my riding don’t need the Parliamentary Secretary to read them a story and give them the same answer he’s just given four times in Question Period.”

“On what date will compensation be paid to farmers across this country?”

The Liberal Minister of Agriculture, Marie-Claude Bibeau was quoted several times last week stating that payments for Year 2 (of 8) for CETA and CPTPP compensation to under the Canada-European Union trade agreement (CETA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) will be paid before the end of the year. However, it is unclear if the Minister meant December 31st, 2020 or the end of government fiscal year, March 31st.

Today in Question Period, MP Strahl was the fifth MP to ask this Liberal government a question on this important issue. Each time they gave the same response, refusing to answer the direct questions asked of them.

“A promise made is a debt unpaid and it’s time the Liberals keep their promises to Canadian dairy farmers,” concluded MP Strahl. “Liberals should keep their word and tell Canadian dairy farmers exactly when they will receive the compensation that they have been promised.”

To watch the video of the exchange in Question Period, visit MP Strahl’s Facebook page.
