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MP Strahl Congratulates Local Seniors Programs On New Horizons Funding

For receiving funding under the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP), Chilliwack-Hope MP Mark Strahl congratulates six local organizations that are helping seniors stay active in their communities.

“By encouraging their active participation in our community, New Horizons for Seniors help seniors maintain a good quality of life.” Strahl added, “We all benefit when seniors share their considerable knowledge and experience.”

Under the NHSP, projects must be led or inspired by seniors and address one or more of the following five program objectives: promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations; engaging seniors in the community through the mentoring of others; expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse; supporting the social participation and inclusion of seniors; and providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.

The following organizations received funding from the federal government:

Chilliwack Hospice Society
Kitchen Table Stories Bereavement Support Cooking Program $10,886

Coqualeetza Elders Group
Traditional Elders and Youth Circle $23,653

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 228 (Hope)
Refurbishing Kitchen with Industrial Stoves and Ovens $25,000

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 280 (Vedder)
Cecil Merritt Room Upgrade $25,000

Royal Canadian Legion Chilliwack Branch 4 (Chilliwack)
Heat and Air Conditioning Improvement Program $24,947

Skowkale First Nation Sq’ewqeyl
Elders Holistic Program $25,000
